Spider-Man has definitely had his great successes and failures as of late (more so on the failure part). With his movies being completely revamped it seems that Mr. Webhead is in need of a revival ASAP!
Hoping to strike lightning twice, Beenox is once again presenting us with another Spider-Man story. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions was released last fall to somewhat positive reviews. While some gamers applauded the variety of the game others felt the opposite. Beenox has obviously listened to critics and fans alike.
Starting with the story. Eisner Award winner Peter David is no stranger to Spider-Man. Being the writer for The Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 Beenox clearly wanted someone with a deep knowledge of Spider-Man. SM:EOT (Spider-Man: Edge Of time) happens to take place in those two respective universes. Beenox is taking no chances in making sure that the story is on a solid foundation. At the moment,the story and gameplay are centered around a cause and effect mechanic. Players will have to shift between both universes to help each other. If the Amazing Spider-Man stops a major bad guy in his timeline, Spider-Man 2099 doesn’t face him. This push and pull style dynamic could offer some interesting experiences. There also seems to be a actual picture in picture of said cause and effect moments. I think this is a smart move on Beenox’s part. Incorporating this mechanic will hopefully engage the player on a more personal scale. Actually seeing their decisions acting out in front of them could be a huge payoff for Beenox.
Spider-Man is one of the most revered superheroes ever. It’s time for a game to really embrace this historic character. While I’m not proclaiming that SM:EOT will be the best Spider-Man game ever, it really is showing a lot of promise. I think having Peter David write the story is a BIG step in the right direction. If they keep the fighting mechanics from Shattered Dimensions and incorporate SM:EOT’s new features, I think we’ll have a great time this Fall. SM:EOT is scheduled to release on the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, DS, and 3DS.
Platform: PS3, Xbox360, Wii
Genere: Action
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Beenox
Release: Q3 2011

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