Kill enemies with melee, ranged, and spell attacks.
Jasper calls you back to the Sanctuary early on during your quest to present to you several of the Hero weapons your parent—and former Hero—had left behind. Weapons come in three styles: melee, ranged, and spell. Kill an enemy using either the sword or hammer to get the melee kill;
the rifle or pistol to earn the ranged kill; and any of the magic 1 gauntlets to earn the required spell attack. You receive your first gauntlet during a visit to the Road to Rule. Kill at least one enemy with each weapon type to unlock this Achievement.
2. Spell Weaver (5pts)
Combine two gauntlets to cast a “woven” spell.
This is an Achievement that takes a little lime to get but only because the Spell Weaving ability is reserved for those who persist in their journey along the Road to Rule. You visit the Road to Rule many times, but this ability is not available until after surviving an unexpected journey through a certain hobbe-infested cave. Spend your Guild Seals to unlock the Spell Weaving ability then return to the Sanctuary and select a combination of two different gauntlets. Cast them both simultaneously with this powerful new ability to unlock the Achievement.
3. Pull! (10 pts)
Send an enemy flying into the air and kill him while he’s airborne.
There are many ways to knock an enemy into the air, depending on the power of your attack and relative strength, size, and vulnerability of the enemy. The easiest way. however, is to catch an enemy inside a powerful Vortex spell then open tire on him with your pistol or rifle as he flies around the room in circles. If s also possible to knock enemies into the air with a melee attack or even a powerful rifle shot. Fire again with your ranged weapon to kill him while he’s airborne to unlock the Achievement.

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