# 20 Special Agent Tanya Adams
Game: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Live action girls are hilarious, but in the early years of gaming they were some of the hottest ladies we had the opportunity to play with. Kari Wuhrer stole the role from Lynne Litteer for the Red Alert sequel and we can’t be more thankful that she did. Girls with guns!
Live action girls are hilarious, but in the early years of gaming they were some of the hottest ladies we had the opportunity to play with. Kari Wuhrer stole the role from Lynne Litteer for the Red Alert sequel and we can’t be more thankful that she did. Girls with guns!

# 19 Claire Redfield
Games: Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Any woman that can take down a horde of zombies is A+ by our standards. But if she can do all that while exposing her midriff, she gets a heaping pile of brownie points. Claire not only shows up in RE2 and Code Veronica, but she’s also mentioned in RE3 and featured in the CG Resident Evil movie: Degeneration.
Any woman that can take down a horde of zombies is A+ by our standards. But if she can do all that while exposing her midriff, she gets a heaping pile of brownie points. Claire not only shows up in RE2 and Code Veronica, but she’s also mentioned in RE3 and featured in the CG Resident Evil movie: Degeneration.

#18 Kaileena
Games: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
You’d think that the empress of time would have been able to find a little more to wear, but you won’t hear us complain. This gorgeous specimen attempts to kill the prince in Warrior Within, only to be saved by him and restored to power in the third entry of the series.
You’d think that the empress of time would have been able to find a little more to wear, but you won’t hear us complain. This gorgeous specimen attempts to kill the prince in Warrior Within, only to be saved by him and restored to power in the third entry of the series.

#17 Princess Daphne
Game: Dragon’s Lair
Anyone old enough to remeber her? After all the insane work you go through to complete Rick Dyer’s Dragon’s Lair, Dirk the Daring is finally reward with a big smooch from the lovely Princess Daphne. When the game was released, Daphne was the best-looking video game heroine around, so we still have a bit of a soft spot for her today. And just look at those curves!
Anyone old enough to remeber her? After all the insane work you go through to complete Rick Dyer’s Dragon’s Lair, Dirk the Daring is finally reward with a big smooch from the lovely Princess Daphne. When the game was released, Daphne was the best-looking video game heroine around, so we still have a bit of a soft spot for her today. And just look at those curves!

#16 Christie
Games: Dead or Alive series
Christie may be the oldest female on the Dead or Alive roster (no, we’re not counting what we set her “age” to) but the leather-clad assassin looks just fine to us. No, more than fine. Many people assume that she’s the DoA version of Rachel (the similarly-clad female warrior from the Ninja Gaiden games) only to be backed up when NG: Sigma released offering up some matching hairstyles to complement the similar attire.
Christie may be the oldest female on the Dead or Alive roster (no, we’re not counting what we set her “age” to) but the leather-clad assassin looks just fine to us. No, more than fine. Many people assume that she’s the DoA version of Rachel (the similarly-clad female warrior from the Ninja Gaiden games) only to be backed up when NG: Sigma released offering up some matching hairstyles to complement the similar attire.

#15 Jill Valentine
Games: Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Marvel vs. Capcom 2
S.T.A.R.S. member and professional tube-top wearer, Jill Valentine has the skills to take down even the most righteous of Umbrella Corp’s creations: Nemesis. Her role in the successful series has locked her into the core canon of the franchise.
S.T.A.R.S. member and professional tube-top wearer, Jill Valentine has the skills to take down even the most righteous of Umbrella Corp’s creations: Nemesis. Her role in the successful series has locked her into the core canon of the franchise.

#14 Sophitia Alexandra
Games: Soul Blade, Soul Edge, Soul Calibur series
Sophitia Alexandra, Grecian warrior and master of the blade, is a force to be reckoned with in the Soul Calibur series. Her small frame, ample bosom, and short skirt provide a number of hottie-tenants that we’re proud to point out for haters and fans alike. Best of all, she’s a total sweetheart that might not reject you outright.
Sophitia Alexandra, Grecian warrior and master of the blade, is a force to be reckoned with in the Soul Calibur series. Her small frame, ample bosom, and short skirt provide a number of hottie-tenants that we’re proud to point out for haters and fans alike. Best of all, she’s a total sweetheart that might not reject you outright.

#13 Taki
Games: Soul Blade, Soul Edge, Soul Calibur series
Female ninjas rule our school. They’re quick, efficient, and super-deadly. There’s just one thing we don’t understand about Taki: how the hell does she move around with those two bombshells riding shotgun on her chest? To be honest we don’t really care, but there must be some kind of ninja-magic that supports those behemoths.
Female ninjas rule our school. They’re quick, efficient, and super-deadly. There’s just one thing we don’t understand about Taki: how the hell does she move around with those two bombshells riding shotgun on her chest? To be honest we don’t really care, but there must be some kind of ninja-magic that supports those behemoths.

#12 Poison
Games: Final Fight series, Street Fighter 3, SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos, SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash
Oh Poison, we’re so confused by you! At first you look so sexy, but then we hear rumors that you’re a post-op transsexual (at least in the North America releases). Does that somehow make you less attractive? We’re not sure! Admittedly, it was only revealed that she was a tranny after Capcom decided it wasn’t right for the Final Fight characters to beat up women, making her one of the most controversial video game characters to date.
Oh Poison, we’re so confused by you! At first you look so sexy, but then we hear rumors that you’re a post-op transsexual (at least in the North America releases). Does that somehow make you less attractive? We’re not sure! Admittedly, it was only revealed that she was a tranny after Capcom decided it wasn’t right for the Final Fight characters to beat up women, making her one of the most controversial video game characters to date.

#11 Kitana
Games: Mortal Kombat series
Princess of the underworld or not, we’d be proud to serve as her prince. Kitana has her curves in all the right places, and her signature fans will keep you cool when things start to heat up. Just remember: don’t kiss her, you will explode. Like, blow up and cover things in blood explode.
Princess of the underworld or not, we’d be proud to serve as her prince. Kitana has her curves in all the right places, and her signature fans will keep you cool when things start to heat up. Just remember: don’t kiss her, you will explode. Like, blow up and cover things in blood explode.

#10 Agent Rayne
Games: Bloodrayne, Bloodrayne 2
She jumps, straddles, sucks, and leaves you wanting more, more, more! Rayne is a half-vampire working for the Brimstone Society and she excels at three things: killing vampires, looking sexy, and looking sexy while killing vampires. Ok, admittedly that may only be two things, but decide for yourself after you see her in action.
She jumps, straddles, sucks, and leaves you wanting more, more, more! Rayne is a half-vampire working for the Brimstone Society and she excels at three things: killing vampires, looking sexy, and looking sexy while killing vampires. Ok, admittedly that may only be two things, but decide for yourself after you see her in action.

#9 Ivy
Games: Soul Calibur series
Ivy scares us. She’s strong, well equipped (talking about her weapon), and loves to wear skimpy clothes. Women like that just can’t be trusted! However much she instills fear in our hearts, we revel in the opportunity to stare at her from the safety of our television sets. She must do double time as a dominatrix!
Ivy scares us. She’s strong, well equipped (talking about her weapon), and loves to wear skimpy clothes. Women like that just can’t be trusted! However much she instills fear in our hearts, we revel in the opportunity to stare at her from the safety of our television sets. She must do double time as a dominatrix!

#8 Faith
Games: Mirror’s Edge
The recently released Mirror’s Edge handed us one of the hottest new video game characters of the year. Faith is a badass messenger that uses parkour to cover the vast rooftops of her city at blazing speeds. You only get a few glimpses of her in the actual game engine and they’re much appreciated when they come along.
The recently released Mirror’s Edge handed us one of the hottest new video game characters of the year. Faith is a badass messenger that uses parkour to cover the vast rooftops of her city at blazing speeds. You only get a few glimpses of her in the actual game engine and they’re much appreciated when they come along.

#7 Morrigan
Games: Darkstalkers series, Marvel vs. Capcom series, Capcom vs. SNK series, Puzzle Fighter
Now this is a Bat-girl we can appreciate! Morrigan probably appears in more games than any other lady on this list, and we have to lend that to the clothes that can barely keep her all in! With a body like that, we can ignore those wings coming out of her head.
Now this is a Bat-girl we can appreciate! Morrigan probably appears in more games than any other lady on this list, and we have to lend that to the clothes that can barely keep her all in! With a body like that, we can ignore those wings coming out of her head.

#6 Chun-Li
Games: Street Fighter series, Marvel vs. Capcom series, Capcom vs. SNK series, Super Puzzle Fighter series
She’s the undercover Interpol agent with the killer legs. Chun Li’s female presence and early dominance of the fighting game genre propelled her into the minds of many early fanboys. The character has changed little over time, but we don’t see a reason why she should when her looks are this good.
She’s the undercover Interpol agent with the killer legs. Chun Li’s female presence and early dominance of the fighting game genre propelled her into the minds of many early fanboys. The character has changed little over time, but we don’t see a reason why she should when her looks are this good.

#5 Mai Shiranui
Games: Fatal Fury series, King of Fighters series, Capcom vs. SNK series, Days of Memories
So which set round objects in this picture are bigger? Mai’s signature outfit is about as low-cut as it could get without some serious rating problems popping up (or out). The female fighter has been called the Chun-Li of the SNK universe, but she manages to one-up the Capcom fighter on our list. How can we help it? Her character art is always so well-drawn!
So which set round objects in this picture are bigger? Mai’s signature outfit is about as low-cut as it could get without some serious rating problems popping up (or out). The female fighter has been called the Chun-Li of the SNK universe, but she manages to one-up the Capcom fighter on our list. How can we help it? Her character art is always so well-drawn!

#4 Ada Wong
Games: Resident Evil series
Ada is fast, lethal, and good with a number of weapons. It also doesn’t hurt that she’s drop dead gorgeous. Her appearance in the Resident Evil franchise had stuck almost strictly to the sidelines until RE4 came along and we were treated to an additional mission crafted just for her. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the sultry heroine in the future.
Ada is fast, lethal, and good with a number of weapons. It also doesn’t hurt that she’s drop dead gorgeous. Her appearance in the Resident Evil franchise had stuck almost strictly to the sidelines until RE4 came along and we were treated to an additional mission crafted just for her. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the sultry heroine in the future.

#3 Kasumi
Games: Dead or Alive series, Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball series
Kasumi is the flagship protagonist of the Dead or Alive series of games, and it’s for good reason. Her huge breasts, flowing hair, and butt-bumpin’ volleyball skills represent at least half of what the series is all about. It only helps that she’s equally deadly when the fighting portion comes around.
Kasumi is the flagship protagonist of the Dead or Alive series of games, and it’s for good reason. Her huge breasts, flowing hair, and butt-bumpin’ volleyball skills represent at least half of what the series is all about. It only helps that she’s equally deadly when the fighting portion comes around.

#2 Cammy
Games: Street Fighter series, Marvel vs. Capcom series, X-Men vs. Capcom, Final Fight: Streetwise
Cammy may have a scar on her face, but that doesn’t make her any less attractive to us. This fighter won Capcom’s “Which Fighter do you want to see most in SFIV” contest by a landslide. And we have to hand it to her for her modesty (on her upper torso). Her speed and brilliant legs carry her for miles.
Cammy may have a scar on her face, but that doesn’t make her any less attractive to us. This fighter won Capcom’s “Which Fighter do you want to see most in SFIV” contest by a landslide. And we have to hand it to her for her modesty (on her upper torso). Her speed and brilliant legs carry her for miles.

#1 Lara Croft
Games: Tomb Raider series
Lara Croft has been at the heart of most gamers since her first inception. With her unmatched curves and sexy british accent, she single handedly made video game characters a viable fantasy for players everywhere (hell, my dad printed out a picture of her nude just to test out his new color printer. You know, back when those were new). Unfortunately, her recent outings have left a bit of a bad taste in our collective mouths that we just can’t shake when we think about the classic, gun-toting heroine.
Lara Croft has been at the heart of most gamers since her first inception. With her unmatched curves and sexy british accent, she single handedly made video game characters a viable fantasy for players everywhere (hell, my dad printed out a picture of her nude just to test out his new color printer. You know, back when those were new). Unfortunately, her recent outings have left a bit of a bad taste in our collective mouths that we just can’t shake when we think about the classic, gun-toting heroine.

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