With the addition of strength in this new update you will feel the shock of battle on the planet Novus! Do not miss out on updates to defend your nation RF Online Indonesia to-4: Golden Mystery. For more details, please enjoy the following information:
1. Addition of Monster Battle
In this Dungeon Battle Patriot RF must defeat all the monsters who are in it for Pit Boss battle monsters in this dungeon can arise.
Pit Boss that appears if the Patriot RF beat all the monsters are "Hora Bloody Heller Wing."
If the Patriot RF Battle Dungeon successfully completed this it will get 2 Fruit Jewelry Box
2. Gold Point
A. Points Gold (Gold Point)
Gold Points can be used by Patriot RF to purchase items of high levels provided by the NPC Gold Point (Golden Pig figure) contained in each headquarters. Patriot RF can see the Gold Points in the character information (hotkey C). gold status point
B. Points Hunting (Hunting Point)
RF Patriot Points will automatically get when defeating monsters. Patriot RF can see the Hunting Point on the character information (hotkey C). hunting status point
C. NPC Gold Point
Patriot RF can find the NPC Gold Point is at the headquarters of every nation. change change NPC Gold Point (HQ Accretia) NPC Gold Point (HQ Cora) change
NPC Gold Point (HQ Bellato)
NPC Gold Point provides high-level items that can be purchased using Gold Points. Item provided by the NPC include:
* NPC Weapons Gold Seller
This NPC sells various weapons Rare-D level 50.
* NPC Accessories Gold Seller
This NPC sells various high-level accessories level 40.
* NPC Gold Seller Goods
NPC is selling various items of gold, among others: booster disappeared (not permanent), weapons, accessories and purse charger (2% - 5%).
* Sellers NPC Armor Low Level
NPC is selling coupons that can be exchanged at the NPC Heroes every nation into the armor level 40 with upgrade 5 favor.
* NPC High Level Armor Sellers
NPC is selling coupons that can be exchanged at the NPC Heroes every nation into the armor level 40 with upgraded 6 favor.
* NPC Armor Level Top Sellers
NPC is selling coupons that can be exchanged at the NPC Heroes every nation into the armor level 40 to upgrade seven favor.
* Weapons Seller NPC High Level
NPC is selling coupons that can be exchanged at the NPC Heroes every nation into a weapon level 40 with upgrade 5 ignorant, 6 and 7 ignorant ignorant.
Items obtained from this Vendor NPC Gold are:
a. Permanent (unless booster disappeared which is prepaid and purse charger).
b. Can not throw, can not be exchanged and can not be transacted.
c. Item has a limited amount and will be updated every once a month.
d. For coupon redemption process of the NPC Gold Vendor will cost the nation 100,000 currency.
3. Bio Lab 2nd baseman
Bio Lab 2nd Basement
Currently in Cartella Bio Lab 2nd floor Basement has been available for level 61.
Laboratory Cartella To enter you must pass 2nd Basement Floor Cartella Gate 1, 2nd Basement Cartella Laboratory located behind the Pit Boss Black Sign.
2nd Lab Door 2nd Lab Door
Folder 2nd Lab Map
In Cartella Laboratory Basement 2nd there are some new monsters that can certainly help you in leveling and become the strongest on the planet Novus.
King Mutant Whiten
King Mutant Whiten
In the 2nd Basement Laboratory Cartella also have 2 Pit Boss New namely:
change Dark Signing
Izen Crasher
Come gather partymu and fight to become the strongest in defense of your people on the planet Novus!
4. New Skill
Update: Golden Mystery SKILL
On Update: Golden Mystery, the RF Online also will provide New Professional Skill for Job Warrior and Ranger. 1. Warrior
* - Acceleration
This skill will increase the velocity, and will certainly help to catch the opponent who likes to escape.
* - Bash Explosion
Explosion Bash
This skill is a skill which will hit the opponent crushing your opponent with a very hard blow.
Note: 1. All skills of this profession can be obtained for the Patriot RF that have reached level 40, and took the job puree (Not Cross job). 2. Jobs that will get additional professional skills are: - Accretia: Punisher, Assaulter and Mercenary. - Bellato: Berserker, and Shield armsman Miller. - Cora: Templar, Guardian and the Black Knight. 1. Ranger
* - Long Distance Spiring
long distance spiring
This skill is skill refinement of the short distance firing. Where this skill can make a stun enemies without menggurangi damage such as short distance firing.
Note: 1. This skill can be obtained Patriot RF that have reached level 40 and take the Pure job (not the Cross job), except for Striker (Accretia). 2. Skill jobs that will get this profession: - Accretia: Dementer and Phantom Shadow. - Bellato: Hidden Soldier, Sentinel and Inflator. - Cora: Adventurer, Stealer and Assassin.
5. Addition of New Item Mall Item Mall
Along with fighting an increasingly hot and tight in the world of Novus, so in this update will add some item mall which certainly can help the patriots RF Online to defend the nation. Here are some examples of new mall items in updating Golden Mystery
change Attack Potion Set Coupon - A Can be exchanged for a 50 teleport potion, 99 and 99 burst composed Potion Potion change Blessed Jewelry Box Boxes containing the upgrader to the highest elemental accesory change the Charm of Sympathy 30 Days (Cash) Adding force attack on owner points Animus change the Invisible Potion / Charger Potion to make the character invisible Shiny change Luck Jewel Coupon can be redeemed to get Lucky Jewelry Superior change the Lucky Box (Large) Favor Box containing armor upgrader for Superior Weapon change Socket Extender (Leon) Increase 1 slot on the class of weapons Leon. 100% success rate. Can only be used on the weapon socket 0 ~ 6 change of Communication, 24 Hour Jade Jade that function to see other peoples chat.
Spec Min :
- Pentium 4 1.5GHz
- 1 GB of RAM
- Nvidia Geforce 7300
Price : Rp 25.000
Number of Disc : 1 DVD
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