Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tips & Cheat The Sims 3

Hai sahabat Gamers..! Kali ini, saya akan berbagi tips dan cheat seputar The Sims 3. Siapa yang suka bermain The Sims 3?? Bagi kamu yang suka, di bawah ini saya sudah menampilkan  sebagian tips cara mengaktifkan cheat pada The Sims
3. Jadi bagi
kamu yang ingin bermain cepat alias ingin instan/gak mau report, kamu mainnin aja pake cheat di bawah ini. So, lets check this out :

Pertama sekali sebelum kamu mengetikkan cheat di bawah ini, tekan tombol Ctrl+Shift+C pada keyboard, kemudian kamu tinggal masukkan code cheatnya yang tercantum di bawah ini  :

Cheat Effect
motherlode While on the lot, entering this will give you $50,000.
kaching While on the lot, entering this will give you $1,000.
moveobjects on/off With this On, it will allow you to move anything, including Sims, in your Buy/Build mode.
help Lists all available commands at the moment.
jokePlease Gives you a joke in the code console prompt.
quit Like it says, quits the game.
fps on/off Shows your Frame per Second in the upper right area while on.
testingcheatsenabled true Turns on Testing Cheats, just shift+click a Sim, or anything else, like your Mailbox.
enableLlamas [on/off] Gives a message that says, "Llamas enabled."

constrainFloorElevation [true/false] Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, fl oors, and objects will move with the terrain.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding alt.
hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] Hides all meters and effects in the game, such as the plumbbob and skill meter.
fadeObjects [on/off] Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
slowMotionViz <level> Puts the game in slow motion. Optional parameter, value 0 = normal speed and 8 = slowest.
unlockOutfits on/off Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. This must be enabled before going into CAS.
fullscreen on/off Adjusts your game screen to full or windowed mode.
DisplayLotPackageFileName [on/off] Switches lot tooltips on or off
ResetLifetimeHappiness Resets the lifetime happiness of all the sims in an active household.
DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt On/Off When holding on alt, disable snapping to slots (can be rotated in any direction also)
Familyfunds (lastname) $$$$ gives family amount of money requested do not add ()
Buydebug Allows you to buy otherwise un-buyable objects

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